Thursday, June 6, 2013

Join Al Gore and Jeff Skoll for a Google+ Hangout on Climate Change

In 2006, An Inconvenient Truth opened the world?s eyes to climate change and sparked a worldwide conversation that continues today.

In the seven years since the film?s release, the world has seen a nonstop succession of new studies, reports, discoveries and headlines that have underscored just how urgent a threat climate change is to our planet.

For the film?s seventh anniversary, TakePart is asking ?what do we know now that we didn?t know then? to keep the spotlight on this evolving and accelerating threat.

On June 10, we'll launch a five-part editorial series right here on TakePart that looks at what climate change has wrought over the past seven years. From explosion of extreme weather events like Superstorm Sandy to last year's devastating Colorado wildfires, climate change is rapidly changing the world around us. We'll ask: "What's next?"

But that's only the beginning.?

In a brief YouTube video released today, Vice President Gore invited people to join the Science on G+ Community and share ideas to mitigate climate change. Over the next week Gore and Skoll will engage with Google+ users on the topic and ultimately will select the five most insightful Community members to join them in a live Google+ Hangout on Air on June 11th at 2PM EST / 11AM PST. You can RSVP for the event right here on TakePart so we can send you a helpful email reminder.

One of the reasons we're so excitied to celebrate the film's anniverary is because An Inconvenient Truth has had such a huge impact on the climate change conversation and the movement to help mitigate global warming's impact on our planet.?

5 million people worldwide went to see AIT in theaters, and the film won two Academy Awards in 2006 for Best Documentary and Best Original Song. The film has since been translated or subtitled into 32 languages. 100% of the Participant Media's profits from AIT were donated to the Alliance for Cliamte Protection (Participant is TakePart's parent company).?

More than 180,000 copies of the AIT curriculum were downloaded, and five countries?England, Scotland, Germany, New Zealand and the Czech Republic?plus British Columbia incorporated it into their secondary schools.?

Oh, and Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.?

In Washington, President Obama has created an Assistant to the President for Climate and Energy, and the State Department now has a Special Envoy on Climate Change.

At least 150 bills supporting climate action to some extent have been introduced since 2006.

You can RSVP for the Google+ Hangout on June 11 right here.?

And don't miss our 12 ways you can help combat climate change right now.?

AIT: What We Know Now


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