Sunday, March 4, 2012

Income Investing | Why dividend stocks best Ideas for income ...

What are three good income/growth investing options?
What are three good income/growth investing options for an 18 year old?
Do not send me links to a different website. Just answer the question.

Best answers:

Answer by Spock (rhp)
no reputable financial person can answer this since much information is lacking. What is your intended future use of the funds and when will that occur? What other resources do you have, or will you have? What are your goals? What special skills and insights do you have?

These all need to be carefully thought out and set down on paper before any honest recommendation as to type of investment can be made.

asked by: Z

Names of three different types of income and/or growth investing options?
Money management homework, and the instructions are slightly vague. I can?t give any more help than the above question

ALSO: what are some risks and rewards of the income/ investing options??

thanks a ton
Best answers:

Answer by muncie birder
Slightly vague is being too kind.

Income investing options: 1. Blue chip stocks that have a history of raising their dividends?MCD, PEP, JNJ, KO, WMT.

2. Utility stocks

3. MLPs

Growth options: 1. ditto #1 above.
2. small cap stocks
3. Chinese stocks.

asked by: Chaos Control


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