Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Outdoor lighting for security and setting a mood - A Home ...

Having good Outdoor Lighting is key to good security. If you have a well lit garden at night then chances are, youwon?t get many thieves, if ever.Having the perfect lighting for security doesn?t mean you have to have a floodlit garden. If anything an intrudercould use the shadows as a way of keeping a low profile.The best night lighting for a garden would be having lights evenly spread out as to create very little shadows as an intruder would have no choice but to walk straight through the lit up area and risk getting spotted. Outdoor lighting is not only useful for security. It also creates a completely new mood to your garden, especially in the summer months when you may be out in your garden enjoying the weather and it is starting to go dark, it creates a very relaxing mood and due to the warmer weather also means you can stay out longer without ending up sittingin the pitch black.

Source: http://www.wyoshakes.com/home-improvement/outdoor-lighting-for-security-and-setting-a-mood/

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