Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Zero-Time Selling: New Sales Tool to Manage your Key ...

Reporting on Interesting New Sales Tools For SmBiz CEOs?

In my travels I often run across interesting sales management applications or selling tools that I believe represent an advance in the state of the art for sales and sales management tools. Today we are doing something new and kicking off a series of profiles of some of those promising new sales and sales management tools. We will publish these profiles and interviews from time to time and hope that you find value in them.

Today we are offering up a look at a brand new Business Intelligence (BI) application for the CEO and sales manager of the small and medium-sized enterprise (SMB). SaleScope is the brainchild of Menachem Blasberg, a serial tech entrepreneur from California. Blasberg experienced firsthand how difficult it can be for the CEO and sales manager of an SMB to get meaningful, in-depth reporting on the Key Performance Indexes (KPI) that will help them analyze and improve sales productivity. He has used the experience to develop SaleScope.

Here is my recent interview with Menachem Blasberg, CEO of Inoxel, creator of SaleScope.

AP: Menachem, let?s start by having you provide an overview of SaleScope.
MB: SalesScope is a comprehensive and exceptionally easy-to-use sales-focused Business Intelligence (BI) product for analyzing sales and marketing data to improve small business decision-making, forecast future sales, and significantly increase revenues

AP: What is the target market for the product?
MB: CEOs and sales managers of small to medium-sized business.

AP: Can you describe an ideal SMB prospect for SaleScope?
MB: Any company with more than several employees and several products/services is a good candidate for SalesScope. An ideal small business prospect for SalesScope would be a company that has approximately 50 products, hundreds of customers, an internal sales force, reps, and distributors.

AP: How will they benefit from using SaleScope?
MB: SalesScope enables CEOs and sales executives to access and analyze fact-based sales information and trends, quickly get to the root cause of potential sales issues or opportunities, and make sound business decisions. In short, SalesScope enables managers to quickly and effectively manage their sales organization.

AP: Briefly describe for us what SaleScope does.
MB: SalesScope merges and analyzes a company?s accounting, sales, marketing, and other sales-related data, and creates easy-to-understand dashboards and sales reports for CEOs and sales managers. Using SalesScope-generated graphs and reports can significantly improve small business decision-making and forecast accuracy.

SalesScope analyzes a company?s sales performance data and creates predefined charts and reports using five categories. More than 50 charts and reports provide a comprehensive analysis of all the important aspects of sales related data that decision makers need to know. The five categories are:
1. Sales
2. Customers
3. Products
4. Productivity
5. Forecast

AP: What makes SaleScope different or unique?
MB: SalesScope is the only Business Intelligence (BI) tool that is primarily focused on sales. Non-technical people can learn in half a day how to use and deploy SalesScope in their organization. It dramatically reduces dependencies on IT resources.

AP: How would an SMB CEO or sales manager use SaleScope to manage and improve their sales?
MB: By observing trends of Key Performance Indexes (KPI), CEOs and sales managers will be able to identify negative and positive trends months ahead of time. Because many of the KPIs? trends are leading indicators for future outcomes, investigating these KPIs will help them to reverse negative trends and accelerate the positive ones.

One example of a leading indicator KPI I personally like is the Monthly Orders/Quotes Closure Ratio. The Orders/Quotes Closure Ratio compares monthly orders to monthly quotes. The Closure Ratio is a leading sales indicator that shows a possible increase in future sales if this number grows with time and a decrease in sales outlook if it goes down. By understanding the reasons for a positive or negative Closure Ratio trend, sales managers can reverse negative trends before the sales figures decrease.

AP: Can?t an SMB customer get this same data and these same reports from Quickbooks or other accounting system?
MB: No, they cannot. Data such as lost business, pipeline size and trends, quotes and closure ratios, and many more data types are coming from the sales/marketing department and its CRM and proprietary systems. SalesScope integrates all this and finds relationships between different types of data from different places that before could not be correlated with each other.

AP: If you had to summarize the advantages an SMB would receive from using SaleScope what would they be?
BW: The ultimate advantages are increased sales, improved sales productivity, reduced cost of sales, and more accurate sales forecast. SalesScope also dramatically reduces the time CEOs and sales managers require to manage the sales force. For instance, CEOs and sales executives are able to access and analyze fact-based sales information, quickly get to the root cause of potential issues or opportunities, and make sound business decisions.

With a wider range of performance metrics at their fingertips sales managers can more effectively manage their sales organization and identify where management action is required in order to improve sales productivity and effectiveness.

AP: How does a customer get started with SaleScope?
MB: After a customer purchases the product, he or she will receive a two-hour web-based live training. After the training a customer will be able to proceed on his or her own. Inoxel provides free support for one year.

AP: How does a customer get their data into SaleScope?
MB: Sales Scope is an Excel-based product. Therefore the data can easily be imported from a company?s financial, CRM, and custom systems. Data can also be entered or modified manually using predefined Excel based forms.

AP: Does SaleScope integrate with any other accounting apps in addition to QuickBooks?
MB: Yes, it does. Inoxel provides integration services to help import the customer data from various standard and custom in-house systems.

AP: How does the data get updated and with what frequency?
MB: It is up to the company?s management to decide how frequently they want to update the data. Most of the users update the data on a weekly basis.

AP: Can a customer self-install this on their own or do they need support?
MB: Installing and using the program is easy and straightforward. No IT person is needed to do that.

AP: How much does SaleScope cost?
MB: It is a one-time purchase price of $2,500

AP: Is SaleScope currently available for purchase?
MB: It is available now.

AP: How can the customer get in touch with you?
MB: They can reach me via email at and by phone at 714-656-3513. A more detailed description of what SalesScope does and how it does it is described in the SalesScope data sheet, can be downloaded at .


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